Nephrops norvegicus, author: Collection VLIZ
Palaemon serratus: specimen very clear, author: Pillon, Roberto
Inachus dorsettensis Pennant, 1777, author: Hillewaert, Hans
Pasiphaea multidentata, author: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Jean-François St-Pierre

DecaNet (World List of Decapoda)


Number of records in DecaNet

  • all names: number of scientific names at all ranks (sum of species, genera, families,..., accepted and synonyms)
  • all species: number of species names (sum of accepted and synonyms) within the specific rank
  • acc. species: number of accepted species within the specific rank
  • acc. species marine: number of accepted marine species within the specific rank
  • acc. species fresh: number of accepted freshwater species within the specific rank
  • acc. species terrestrial: number of accepted terrestrial species within the specific rank
  • Checked names: number of names (%) that have been checked by a Taxonomic Editor

Name all names all species acc. species acc. species marine acc. species fresh acc. species terrestrial Checked names

Discovery rate



Authors describing most species during last decade

The authority field is not atomized, so a number of duplicates or inconsistencies may appear here.


Citations (Google scholar)

Citations for "DecaNet":


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